How To Find Intel Motherboard Serial Number


Finally, you can find a Mac's motherboard information by looking up your Mac's serial number and then searching for the related motherboard online.

  • As an example, let’s check a motherboard’s manufacturer, model number, and serial number using WMIC. Open up the command prompt in Windows via either the run dialog (Windows+R) or by searching for “cmd” on the Start menu—no need to run the Command Prompt as an administrator.
  • How to Identify a Motherboard from the BIOS. Step 1 – Restart the computer and press the “F2” key to open the computer’s BIOS. Step 2 – Select the “Main” menu option once the BIOS interface is loaded on the computer screen. Step 4 – View the entry next to the “Product Name” label, which identifies the motherboard model.

If i type ipconfig/all is the Physical Address refers to the serial address/number of the CPU or the Processor? I'm running Windows XP.


migrated from stackoverflow.comDec 1 '10 at 1:01

This question came from our site for professional and enthusiast programmers.

3 Answers

It's actually the unique MAC address of your network card, or other network interface.

edit: it's not clear whether you're after network details or cpu details here -- maybe you could expand the question by describing what you want to achieve.

edit: you might be able to get what you want through WMI. If you're looking for a serial number and/or asset tag for the hardware, you might be lucky with this. For the baseboard you might be able to use Win32_Baseboard. And for the CPU processor id, you might get what you need with Win32_Processor. If you're not sure about WMI, or haven't used it before, maybe try WMI Creator, as it's very helpful.

However: it's still not clear what you want to do with it, and none of these may be what you need. Check, for example, this other StackOverflow question.

Hope that helps a bit.

Tim BarrassTim Barrass

As Tim said, IPConfig deals with network settings and is completely unrelated to your CPU.

At one time Intel did have an actual serial number for their processors, but this was abandoned for a host of security reasons.

Namely, people threw an absolute fit over the idea that software could identify the actual machine that was used to create documents etc. Little things like Privacy would easily be subverted.

Not only that but the idea of a unique serial number per chip couldn't meet the stated goals of actually saying the machine was who it said it was. Basically, it could easily be duped.

Now, there is something called a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) which is built into some motherboards that provides a unique encryption key. However, those modules aren't that common and, even when found, aren't normally turned on.

So, if you are trying to find a unique id for the machine as a whole, the best you can hope for is to use the network adapters MAC address. Those are unique, however, they can also be spoofed. And, network adapters can be swapped out on a whim thereby changing the address.

Motherboard Serial Number Finder

Perhaps if you posted what you were trying to accomplish we could better guide you.

How To Find Intel Motherboard Serial Number List


I'd try with

or also with brief option

How To Find Intel Motherboard Serial Number Lookup
